Monday, May 31, 2010

Date with Dad

I've been dying to see the new Iron Man 2 movie and my dad suggested we should go see it. It was just me and him going to the movies. It was really nice. I don't usually get to spend that much time one on one with my dad and I definitely enjoyed the time I was able to spend with him on this "date." This "date" went perfectly, we had already agreed on the movie and when it came to snacks my Dad knew exactly what I liked. My dad immediately ordered two diet cokes and popcorn with extra butter. I didn't have to explain that, yes I understand that having buttery popcorn and a diet drink is pointless, I just like the taste, my Dad already knew that and likes the same thing. We got into the movie, thankfully in enough time to get to see the previews, which I love to watch. We whispered during the previews which ones we liked and we would have to go see together, without it being awkward wondering if you will still be together when the movie comes out, because well its my dad, he has to stick around. Lol. On the way home I rambled on about my friends and everything else that was going on in my life, probably boring the poor man to tears but at the same time it was nice to get to share my life with my dad and I know he appreciated that I was sharing.

Overall, one of the best dates I went on, just a simple movie with my dad. Spending time with your family is a great way to make better relationships in your family. I usually spend a lot of time with my mom one on one so I am thinking a date with my little sister is next on my list of things to do.


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