Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Big Doosie

Rule Number 2:

No romantic relationships. Boys are just friends. (No boyfriends, flings, friends with benefits, etc.)

I have had so many different relationships in my life already and it is time for me to experience the single life. I am about to be a senior in college and the longest I have been single since I started dating was for two years in middle school. It has been a long time since I have been able to experience things on my own without a guy by my side. I do want to find a reliable man someday that I can trust. Just because I haven't found Mr. Perfect yet doesn't mean that I should settle for Mr. Right Now. I am trying to learn that I am worth having a great guy and don't need to date rude, arrogant jerks that don't appreciate me for who I really am.

This rule is the "big doosie" because this is the biggest limitation that I am giving myself in the challenge. I want to learn to love myself as a single person and not rely on a relationship to feel good about myself. In order to do this I have to eliminate the relationships from my life. This will be the difficult rule but I believe in the end it will be worth it.


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