Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whatever Floats Your Boat

I am a big fan of boating! I am lucky enough to have an aunt and uncle who own a houseboat that my family and I get invited to once a year. I absolutely love my time at the lake. I look forward to it every year. This year when I went, I thought about the guys that I had brought down with me to the lake in the past resulting in interesting weekends. One guy I brought down the weekend didn't exactly go so well and ended with me throwing a sandwich at him. The other guy I brought with me to the lake the weekend went very well as we made up silly songs. I think we were on our way to just being friends which lead to a fairly fun and uncomplicated weekend on the boat before we officially called it quits sometime later.

So this weekend I went off with my family for a great weekend away from it all. You know you are in the middle of know where when there is no Wal-Mart and you have no cell phone reception. And the thing is, is that every know and then I think you need to get away to a place like this. I had a great time laughing and playing around with my family. We did a ton of tubing, in which we gained several bruises and some great memories. I also got to do my favorite, wakeboarding. Overall a great weekend, with just my family and me, no additional guests necessary for a good time.


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