Thursday, May 20, 2010

Making a Decision to be Happy

I am what my friends have called a serial monogamous. I am 21 years old and have been dating since I was 12 years old in middle school. I have had 4 relationships that have lasted 6 months or longer, with the longest lasting 2 1/2 years, each time getting crushed in the end. I am tired of dating and being let down again and again. I have a tendency to not be single for long but you know what I have decided that I am going to be happy with being single. I don't need a man to make me happy. I don't need a boyfriend!

Pretty much I am going to focus on myself and the relationship between me and well, me. That is the one that is going to last a lifetime. No more boys. Not that I don't like boys, oh I do trust me, but right now boys are only friends and will be for the next 365 days. For the next year I am not looking for a boyfriend. Which works out fine by me as this fall I will be a Senior in college. I need to focus on my studies rather than trying to make a relationship work only to end with graduation and people going separate ways.

Now my dilemma with this pact is, what if Mr. Perfect (if he even exists) comes waltzing into my life this year. I am going to keep my relationship with myself first and take things with the so called Mr. Perfect very, very slow, like snail pace. I am not going to limit myself completely and say that if this guy that is absolutely perfect for me comes in and I turn him down because of a pact that I made with myself. However, I don't want to rush into anything and I don't want to feel like I have to be in a relationship with a guy to be happy.

Because for the next 365 days, I am going to be happy with being single.


Amanda said...

Hey, thanks for coming to my blog! I welcome college students that love any aspect of Disney, as well as Disney lovers of any age lol! Your blog looks awesome so far. Good luck being happy and single, and good luck in your senior year of college!

happsgirl said...

Hi there!
I love your 365 happy and single challenge. I'll support you all the way. Thanks for dropping by my blog :) and good luck!

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